Medical History

General Health Questions

1. Have you any serious illness, operations or hospitalizations?
2. Are you under a physician's care at this time?
Name, address and phone # of physican

Do you have or did you ever have any of the following

Cardiovascular Health

3. High Blood pressure ?
4. Angina or heart attack ?
5. Chest pain on physical exertion ?
6. Coronary artery blockage or treatment (bypass, stent, etc.)
7. Heart valve problem or replacement
8. Heart murmur
9. Heart disease , problem or treatment
10. Rheumatic fever
11. Past use of Fen-Phen
12. Irregular heart beat or pacemaker
13. Difficulty breathing when lying down
14. Stroke
15. Low blood pressure

Respiratory Health

16. Asthma
17. Emphysema or respiratory problems
18. Chronic sinus problems
19. Tuberculosis or persistent cough

Endocrine/Blood/Immune Health

20. Diabetes
21. Frequent Thirst or frequent urination
22. Thyroid problems
23. Abnormal bleeding, bruise easily
24. Hemophilia
25. Anemia/blood disease
26. Cancer
27. Radiation therapy/chemotherapy
28. HIV infection/AIDS
29. Cold sores/canker sores
30. Organ transplant
31. Blood transfusion

Muscular-Skeletal/CNS/Mental Health

32. Join replacement
33. Arthtritis
34. Osteoporosis
35. Fainting spells or dizziness
36. Seizures
37. Numbness or muscle weakness
38. Multiple sclerosis
39. Mental retardation
40. Dementia/Alzheimer's disease
41. Anxiety/Nervousness
42. Mental health treatment

Gastro-Intestinal/ Genito-Urinary Health

43. Hepatitis (A, B, C or other)
44. Liver disease
45. Kidney disease/dialysis
46. Stomach trouble/ulcers
47. Sexually transmitted disease

Medication Allergies and Other Allergies

48. Penicillin or other antibiotics
49. Sulfa drugs
50. Dental antesthetic
51. Aspirin
52. Codeine/narcotics
53. Iodine
54. Latex products
55. Metals/nickels/jewelry
56. Other

Females Only

57. Are you pregnant?
58. Are you nursing now?
59. Do you take birth control pills?


60. Are you taking any prescription medications, over the counter medications or herbal medicines?
61. Do you or have you used bisphosphonate medication (Fosomax, Actonel, Boniva, Skelid, Didronel, Aredia, Zometa, Bonefos)?


62. Do you use tobacco?
63. Do you use alcohol?
64. Do you use recreational drugs?
65. Do you have any other medical conditions not already listed above?

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